About Me

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London, Ontario, Canada
My names Emma =] I am at Lancaster university studying Earth and Environmental science, but am currently on exchange at the University of Western Ontario, Canada! I am a dancer, climber and mountineer and am studying karate. I am a christian and love life! This blog is an attempt to document all the things I do. Enjoy! :D

Friday, 3 October 2008


Lonsdale’s ‘Big Night Out’ and passed out people

Went on my college ‘Big Night Out’ last night (I think) got to the 1st bar where this guy was passed out (despite it only being 8:00) after checking his pulse I proceeded to show everyone just how crazy I can be ... I attached allot of Menu’s to him and pics were taken. Wont go into details, but throughout the night, Kate bought me my 1st drink (VK Cherry) which was my only drink of the night. I didn’t get into ‘walkabout’ as I only had my purple card on me and was told that would get me in, so when I met up with the others they gave me some of their wrist bands and I sat down in the middle of the floor to put them round my ankles. I ate a lime =] and chatted to allot of cool new people in ‘Mint’ and also stood on top of the fountain yelling ‘Lonny Lonny Lonny!!!’. We all ended up at the ‘Sugar House’, which was packed ... and we danced the night way. Got back not too late and Sam proceeded to clean the kitchen.
Had another meeting with my department, had a quiz, and the lectures started giving out free beer ... such a strange department is the Environmental one. Went to check out one of the lecture theatres with Rachel, and then headed back to cook tea and get ready for the FOAM? 80’s RAVE PARTY!!!!! More pics will go on the wall of shame tonight I think in the kitchen!! All my body paint has washed off and I’m’ soaked!
Back now! So covered in foam it’s unbelievable! Once they turned on the foam machine the whole bar was about 1m deep in the stuff ... I swallowed some and nearly choked on it! I collected about 50 glow sticks and decorated my shorts with them ... and spent about 10mins chasing round 2 guys who thought they could steal them!

1 comment:

Carrington said...

I don't know chasing the guys already. Uni's changed you!