About Me

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London, Ontario, Canada
My names Emma =] I am at Lancaster university studying Earth and Environmental science, but am currently on exchange at the University of Western Ontario, Canada! I am a dancer, climber and mountineer and am studying karate. I am a christian and love life! This blog is an attempt to document all the things I do. Enjoy! :D

Sunday, 31 August 2008

A level results and an experiance at the gym!

Allot of things have happened since France ... hence my delay in up dating my blog. Got back on the Sunday and went straight to Rachel’s, after a quick unpacking session. Arrived after everyone else and hadn’t been there 15mins before Jon was suggesting a BBQ. Me, Jon, Emma and Eddy drove round to Tesco express and picked up the BBQ from mine. Ended up going to three Tesco’s as we kept forgetting things and about an hour later we were back at raches cooking and singing with guitars till 3:00am. We stayed up till 5:00am doing crazy make-over.
Woke up a few hours later screaming about the time ... and thinking I was still downstairs. Got up at about 10:00 after Emma had gone for her driving lesson. We all made breakfast and Hannah and David left, Nicole me and Adam watched one tree hill and Bex stayed asleep. Ended up going home in my pyjamas and it promptly chucked it down.
Got my A level results on thurs 14th aug. Went early as id spoken to Mrs Wilde about how important it was to contact Edinburgh and plead with them if things didn’t go according to plan. Anyhow, got onto my tracking and ... Edinburgh = Unsuccessful. Thought my world had ended. Totally broke down in front of everyone and didn’t even notice they were all looking at me ... went into the bathroom and fainted.
Spent the next hour in some kind of trance around college, specking to different people about what to do. My results also got lost and went in my envelope and a horrible photographer tried to take a pic of me and Rachel hugging and crying, before Rachel yelled at him and pushed me out the way.
I actually got ABC. The C was in chemistry and was 1% off a B. The B was in geography!!! Apparently I got AAAAA and U in my modules. It’s been sent off again to be checked, and Edinburgh is holding me a place if it is a mistake, if not ill go to Lancaster. Hopefully do my maters at Edinburgh.
Me, Emma and Rach went to the Gym, and decided just to go swimming. We did about 20 lengths, and then loads for ‘members of the older generation’ came in and someone started YMCA and the like. We found our selves in the middle of an aqua aerobics class, which turned out to be quite a fun experience!

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