About Me

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London, Ontario, Canada
My names Emma =] I am at Lancaster university studying Earth and Environmental science, but am currently on exchange at the University of Western Ontario, Canada! I am a dancer, climber and mountineer and am studying karate. I am a christian and love life! This blog is an attempt to document all the things I do. Enjoy! :D

Friday, 27 June 2008


The last few weeks I’ve hardly seen the light of day ... been revising to the point of chemistry coming out of my ears. Started my job at Clarks, and was surprised at how easy it was to sell shoes, providing your good at convincing strangers they need things they don’t really need ... like ‘shoe trees’ ... I can be very persuasive. I also got to wear a sexy head set like in the movies and spent the first five minuets pretending to be Kylie!
Danielle’s party last night was certainly eventful. Me, Alice, Danielle, Shawnee, Sarah, Pauline, Beaky and Mike had our last geology exam in the morning, and chose to celebrate by visiting the famous Mr. Evens for the keys to the geology room ... and stealing a rather large amount of Halite (a very salty rock). Anyway, we made it to the entrance hall, and after having a geography revision session with Mr. Porter, Mr. Clowes (geology teacher) finally hunted us down and demanded his beloved rock back from Alice ... that reused point Blanc. Soon we were on the bus to Skem and saw allot of nice fields which I want to run around in one day =].
The party got started and I made friends with Danielle’s Nan (who is amazing!) we danced the night away, and danced in front of the TV when the male portion on the guests decided to watch the football ... but ended up watching us! At about 10:30, me and Danielle walked Shawnee and Michael to the bus station ... only to find there were no trains till 7:00 am, and a scary man watching us. So I calmly phoned Arriva ... the bus did turn up in the end and everything was ok.
A while later, me Alice, Lisa and Pauline were standing outside Asda weighting for Alice’s dad ... who the whole time was weighting for us across the car park but had his phone off. The result was that we spent about 45 minuets, standing around Asda with a few trips inside to get Galaxy ... mmmm and to have a look at the bedding section, just incase we had to spend the night. I got home at some ridiculas hour in the morning and went straight to bed after polishing off the galaxy as I had work in the morning.
Had my last chemistry exams on the Thursday which went awful and I’ve been thinking of a back-up plan if I don’t get into Edinburgh ... =] Anyhow, I met Pauline, Becky and Mike at the station later that night for our geology party organised by Mr Evens and Mr clowes. We moseyed on down to Lloyds bar for a drink or two and then for a geological tour down Lord Street (I had no idea there were so many brachiopods in the walls of Waterstones!) got to the Restaurant and reminisces over the past two years and especially the trip to Arran in Scotland! By the end of the meal, some of us ... Toby ... were a little worse for wear due to the now absence of a bottle of wine or two. We then found an Irish dancing pub ... somehow... and yet again I got the party started by getting everyone to dance!

A good time was had by all and I know for sure I certainly will never look at a rock or formation without questioning it again after these two amazing years!

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